"Good Energy" - A Book Review
Posted March 27, 2025 by Matthew RomansCasey Means, MD, earned both her undergraduate and medical degrees from Stanford University. She completed her residency as a head and neck surgeon at Oregon Health and Science University before leaving traditional medicine to focus on the root causes of why Americans increasingly suffer from chronic diseases. "Good Energy" was written with Dr. Means's brother Calley Means, and it was published in 2024.
During her surgical residency, Dr. Means treated patients with numerous chronic conditions, such as migraines, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and various other ailments. Typically she would prescribe various medications to treat the problem, and if those did not work she would perform surgery. Eventually she realized that she was treating the symptoms rather than fixing the underlying root cause. This prompted her to leave her position as a chief resident at OHSU and open her own practice. Establishment medicine tends to treat every condition separately, without realizing that all the processes in the body are interrelated. As the author states, "...inflammation-which leads to disease, pain, and suffering-takes root because core dysfunctions occur inside our cells, impacting how they function, signal, and replicate themselves." She also correctly points out that, "...every institution that impacts health-from medical schools to insurance companies to hospitals to pharma companies-makes money on 'managing' disease, not curing patients."
Dr. Means makes the distinction between "bad energy" and "good energy." "Bad energy" is when normal metabolic function has tipped into dysfunction, and is largely the result of three things: mitochondrial dysfunction (in which the powerhouse of the cell is overburdened and cannot produce enough ATP), chronic inflammation (mitochondrial dysfunction is perceived as a threat and the body formulates a fighting response), and oxidative stress (free radicals cause damage to the cells and lead to dysfunction). Mitochondrial dysfunction can be caused by many things, namely chronic overnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, medications and drugs, and nutrient deficiencies. When mitochondria do not function properly, they cannot convert food energy into cellular energy, which can lead to chronic disease. On the other hand, "good energy" can be measured by looking at five markers that are typically tested during an annual check-up. The author says that you should strive for a triglyceride level of less than 80 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol of 50-90 mg/DL, a fasting glucose level of 70-85 mg/dL, blood pressure of 120/80, a waist circumference (depending on your ethnicity) of less than 37 inches for men and 31.5 inches for women, and a triglyceride-to-HDL ratio of 1. This would indicate that your cells are functioning optimally and you have achieved true metabolic health.
The book is divided into three sections. Part 1 is "The Truth About Energy", Part 2 is "Creating Good Energy", and Part 3 is "The Good Energy Plan." I particularly liked chapter five, which covers some principles of proper nutrition. The author does a nice job of explaining the inherent dangers of the contemporary Western diet that is filled with processed foods, and she discusses omega-3 and omega-6 fats and their respective roles in biological function. Dr. Means says that we should look at eating as a means of matching our cells' needs with our oral inputs, and that food is how we communicate with our cells. The most important advice that the author gives is to focus on eating unprocessed food and not worry about diet philosophy. Many different diets will work, provided you eat plenty of protein, vegetables and fruits, and essential fats, while avoiding sugars and processed foods. If you are satisfying your vitamin, mineral, and trace element requirements, it doesn't really matter what template you follow.
I enjoyed reading this book. Dr. Means includes helpful grids for each micronutrient and food sources where they can be found. There is also an exhaustive list of foods to avoid. The author provides other helpful lifestyle strategies, such as how to incorporate movement into your daily routine, managing stress, optimizing sleep by minimizing exposure to artificial light, and explaining the benefits of exposure to hot and cold temperatures. In the back of the book there are recipes that you can follow for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that are healthy alternatives to fast food and the prepackaged stuff so commonly found in grocery stores. My only point of contention with the good doctor is over her strength training recommendations. I believe that a frequency of three times per week is too much, and that the Total Results methodology is superior. However, I do agree with the author that strength training should be considered an essential component of everyone's life.
How can this book help you? It will educate you about the real reasons why the number of people suffering from chronic (and preventable) diseases has skyrocketed over the last forty years, and it should crystallize for you how the medical establishment, pharmaceutical companies, and big agriculture profit by keeping you sick. If someone as accomplished and respected as Dr. Means walked away from a lucrative specialty practice, that should tell you something. I encourage all of you to read this book and utilize the strategies put forth to optimize your health and independence. You can and should feel amazing, no matter your age.