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November 2024

"The One-Minute Cure" - A Book Review

Madison Cavanaugh is an author and researcher with over 40 years of experience as a journalist in the health and wellness genre. Most of her work is written under a pseudonym in order to protect her privacy and guard against attacks coming from the medical establishment. She has published eight books, including "The One-Minute Cure" which was first published in 2008. The second edition was released in 2021, right in the middle of the Covid hysteria.

The central focus of the book is hydrogen peroxide therapy, which has been used by 15,000 European doctors, has been in existence for 180 years, and is backed by over 91,000 studies that are currently in circulation. Hydrogen peroxide therapy has healed millions of patients suffering from a multitude of diseases, yet the American medical establishment minimizes, mocks, and even prohibits the administration of this therapy with the threat of license revocation. This is because the medical cartel (including insurance companies, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and doctors) see hydrogen peroxide therapy as something that can disrupt their gravy train, and more money can be made by treating patients rather than curing them or promoting preventative measures. As Ms. Cavanaugh states in the very first chapter, "It simply points to an ineffective medical system that is focused on illness rather than wellness, that promotes expensive (i.e., profit-driven), invasive, and potentially dangerous (or even deadly) medical procedures, drugs or treatments rather than simple, natural, inexpensive, effective treatments or therapies that have no side effects." It is also important to note that over 100,000 people die every year as a result of taking "properly prescribed" medications in hospitals.

What is hydrogen peroxide therapy and how does it work? First, it is critical that we understand the importance of oxygen in the human body. The author says that, "...oxygen comprises 62% to 71% of the body, and is the body's most abundant and essential element." Furthermore, "Ninety (90%) percent of all our biological energy comes from oxygen." We can survive for weeks without food and days without water, but we will die in just a few minutes with insufficient oxygen. This therapy involves either ingesting or inhaling a diluted amount of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide daily. Ms. Cavanaugh explains: "...hydrogen peroxide stimulates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells to a dramatically greater degree than is usually reached by other means. It does this by increasing oxygen and hemoglobin dissociation, thereby maximizing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells. This delivery of the oxygen to the cells and tissues is essential for creating the oxygen boost necessary to maintaining a healthy environment that is inhospitable to disease (author's emphasis)." Dr. Christian Barnard, who completed the first successful heart transplant surgery in 1986, recommended hydrogen peroxide therapy to his patients in order to treat arthritis and other conditions related to aging. This therapy has been used successfully in treating COPD, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and Type II diabetes.

How can you use this therapy at home? One of the best things about it is that you don't have to go to a doctor's office or a hospital in order to receive treatment. If you plan to ingest the hydrogen peroxide orally, the book provides a helpful dosage chart that you can use to reach therapeutic levels in your body, and then a maintenance dose to use thereafter. Add a few drops to distilled water as prescribed. If the taste is a problem, you can instead inhale the diluted hydrogen peroxide through a portable nebulizer. This is the favored intervention of Dr. Joseph Mercola for acute viral illnesses, and is an extremely effective treatment for Covid-19. Dr. Mercola recommends adding in a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to add electrolytes and protect against any potential lung damage. Hydrogen peroxide can also be administered intravenously, but that is probably not logistically feasible for most people to do at home.

Is hydrogen peroxide therapy too good to be true? Like many of you I have become skeptical about many things, but I pride myself on being able to keep an open mind. However, I have to admit that when I saw the words "The world's greatest healing miracle of all time" on the book cover, I was a little put off. Still, the fact that the book was recommended to me by a friend who shares with me a disdain for the medical establishment and whose opinion I trust was enough for me to read it. I found that Ms. Cavanaugh's work is thoroughly engaging and thought provoking, and I think we could be onto something. There is an extensive bibliography as well as a list of resources and providers by state. I would like to do more research before I start utilizing the therapy myself, and have purchased two other books on the subject. Naturally, I will share my findings with all of you, but for now I think "The One-Minute Cure" is definitely worth reading.

Finally, I will leave you with a quote from Ms. Cavanaugh that is sure to at least make you think critically. She says, "The irony of it all is that more people have died from preventable diseases than all the wars of the world combined as a direct result of the pharmaceutical business. These deaths were not just from the use of drugs but from the industry's suppression of information about non-drug health alternatives that could have kept people from dying (author's emphasis)."

Posted November 21, 2024 by Matthew Romans

There Is a Price To Be Paid

You have probably heard me say this numerous times in the Total Results blog, but nothing in life is free, and nothing that is worthwhile has ever been achieved without real effort. That sounds like an obvious statement, but I believe that many people achieve some level of success in terms of their health but for whatever reason are unable to sustain it. Functional independence, staying out of the medical system, resistance to injury, and increased vitality all come with a cost. How important is it to you to remain in control of your own destiny? How badly do you want it? Before you answer those questions, you must understand that there is a price to be paid.

Some people look at high-intensity strength training as a chore. In some respect, that viewpoint is understandable; I would never classify a Total Results workout as fun, and I have never tried to sell that bill of goods to a prospective client. Even though a properly performed workout is intense and uncomfortable, one should look at it as an opportunity rather than drudgery. Every workout is a chance to accomplish something meaningful that will pay both immediate and future dividends. Realize how fortunate you are to be able to exercise once or twice per week, and remember that there are people with degenerative and debilitating conditions who would trade places with you in an instant.

Skeletal muscle is the engine of the body. It is the only type of muscle tissue over which you have volitional control (cardiac muscle and smooth muscle fibers contract automatically), and along with your bones, skeletal muscle does the most to determine your body's shape. Working to build muscle also has a profound impact on your mitochondria. Mitochondria are found in each of our body's cells, and they play an essential role by creating the necessary energy to drive cellular function and all of our body's processes. According to a study published in 2016 by Porter, Reidy, Bhattarai, Sidossis, and Rasmussen, "Collectively, 12 weeks of resistance exercise training resulted in qualitative and quantitative changes in skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration. Resistance exercise training appears to be a means to augment the respiratory capacity and intrinsic function of skeletal muscle mitochondria."

A member of my family, who is in her late 70s, recently suffered a fall and fractured her femur, three vertebrae, and lacerated her scalp. Accidents do happen, but I believe this one could have been prevented, or at least the damage could have been minimized if she had not stopped strength training over two years ago. As a result, she required surgery to repair her femur, a hospital stay, and is now undergoing a lengthy rehabilitation. I can tell you that inside the American medical system is not where you want to be. Doctors and nurses are overworked, the standard of care is iffy, and the conditions are not always great. Effective communication is hard to come by. Establishment medicine rarely looks at preventative care, and if you suffer from chronic disease and have to be in the belly of the beast, it is difficult to get out. The best thing you can do is to take care of yourself and not be in there in the first place.

Yes, there is a price to be paid for robust health. You can pay now or pay later, but one way or another that bill eventually comes due. That price is less than one hour of your time each week, but it requires focus, dedication, and a willingness to learn. Accept the fact that this is what it takes, and that in the grand scheme of things it is a small price to pay. Do you want to spend your middle and later years in and out of hospitals, doctor's offices, and rehabilitation centers, relying on mobility aids to get around? Or, would you rather have the ability to call your own shots? Don't be plagued by chronic diseases and injuries that could have been avoided. You only get one body; treasure it and treat it well. Total Results can help.

Posted November 11, 2024 by Matthew Romans