One of the oldest topics of debate in the field of exercise and
on website message boards centers around which is the most
effective tool to use to get stronger and fitter. Are free weights
better than machines, or vice versa? Can you benefit from simply
doing body weight exercises? Varying opinions have been put forth
over the years; some of them have been reasoned, others much less
so. In order to come up with a clear answer, we need to briefly
examine the history of all three mechanisms and compare and
contrast them.
While the history of the dumbbell can be traced back to
Greco-Roman times, the barbell is a comparatively recent invention.
Many physical culture experts trace its origin back to sometime in
the mid-19th century. Use of the barbell gained steadily in
popularity after the turn of the 20th century and into the golden
age of strongman and bodybuilding competitions through the 1960s
and 1970s. It is still widely used today in commercial gyms,
weightlifting competitions, and by collegiate and professional
strength coaches.
The origin of exercise machines goes back to Gustav Zander, a
Swedish physician and orthopedist. He designed his first exercise
machines back in the 1860s, and later established his own institute
in Stockholm. After Zander, very little innovation was made in
exercise machine design for nearly 100 years, until the Universal
Gym Company was founded in 1957. These machines were usually one
large exercise station, with several exercises comprising one unit.
Arthur Jones released to market his first Nautilus Pullover
exercise machine in 1970. It was Jones' desire to improve upon the
limitations of the barbell, as well as the flawed design of
Universal machines. He did this by creating a machine that had
variable resistance through the entire range of motion by use of a
resistance cam that was shaped much like a nautilus shell. This was
light-years beyond anything that had come along before. Ken
Hutchins, founder of Super Slow Exercise Protocol, took it a step
further by designing his machines to track muscle and joint
function more effectively. These resistance cams are engineered
based on an ideal slow speed of movement (much slower than Nautilus
Exercise Protocol), which allows the muscles to be most effectively
Bodyweight exercises have probably been around since prehistoric
times. Chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups (or abdominal crunches), and
bodyweight squats have been performed in military physical fitness
evaluations and physical education classes for decades. These
exercises are still performed today in fitness classes and in
preparation for athletic contests.
Which of these methodologies is best? Free weights, machines,
and bodyweight exercises, to varying degrees, can all have a place
in a comprehensive and effective exercise program.
While free weights can be used effectively for exercises in
which a machine may not be available (such as a bicep curl or wrist
curl), this modality is limited by several factors. First, you may
need to use a spotter or partner (on exercises like the bench press
or squat), as you may be put into a potentially dangerous position.
Depending on how much weight you're using, the spotter and the
lifter can be compromised. Second, certain exercises cannot be done
using free weights, such as the Pulldown exercise (this is probably
the most effective exercise for the upper body). Third, a barbell
or a dumbbell has no way to vary the resistance based on leverage
factors. That means that the resistance may be too heavy in areas
of the the range of motion where you are weakest, and it may be too
light in areas where you are strongest.
While bodyweight exercises can be effective for a time
(particularly if you don't have access to any other equipment),
they ultimately fall short because there is no way to progressively
increase resistance. In order to gain strength, you need to
continually challenge the muscles with a greater amount of
resistance. Unless you continue to gain body weight (not really
what you want) or constantly increase the number of repetitions
(which makes the workout too long), your initial strength gains
will eventually plateau.
Well Designed exercise machines offer greater safety and
stability, and are usually cammed to allow variable
resistance based on leverage factors. Your muscles' primary
function is to produce force; this is what enables movement. In
order to get the optimal exercise stimulus, it is best to push your
muscles to the point of momentary muscular fatigue or failure; this
is more safely and easily accomplished on a machine than with free
weights or bodyweight exercises because you don't have to worry
about dropping a weight on yourself or putting yourself into a
compromising position. The machines that we offer at Total
Results are engineered to fit our exercise protocol; they allow us
to progressively add resistance in small increments (as little as
1.25 pounds), facilitate safe entry and exit, track muscle and
joint function properly, and have minimal friction in the weight
stacks to accommodate our slow movement speed.
At Total Results, we mix in select free weight, body weight, and
even manually resisted exercises to many clients' programs. You can
make gains in strength by using free weights and bodyweight
exercises, but our exercise machines, combined with the ideal
exercise environment, technical instruction, knowledge, and
experience provide the safest, and most productive exercise
stimulus possible.